I have always been an artist since childhood.
When I was 15 I started painting with acrylics and liked it a lot.
I took a graphic design class when I was 17 in high school well
before it was highly technical.
I took quite a while off from school
after high school and just worked. When I moved here in
96’ I tried acting, standup comedy etc. for a while
then in 02’ got a degree in animation. I decided
that I liked web design much more than animation and pursued
this degree in multimedia and like it even more. I have
just completed my Bachelor's degree at The Art Institute
of California Los Angeles.My purpose
currently is to just keep making websites, editing video, and
graphicly design. It's so much more fun not struggling as much
with the technology and I can actually make a living now after
so much school. I've started my own business and it has been
doing well the last 5 months and hopefully will keep progressing.
I will continue to market myself on the internet doing a vast range
of multimedia and selling computers which is a new added element
to "New
Millennium Multimedia."
It looks like
this contract I've been busy with the last 3 months is coming
to a close so who knows where to now. I am confident and
very happy to see all my work at The Art Institute Los Angeles
finally come together!